What I Offer
Personalized Treatment: Receive a full individualized reiki treatment, energy healing, and wisdom session to succeed in life.
Comfortable Clinic: Calming, warm, and inviting clinic. Centrally located in the Vancouver, BC downtown area.
Licensed Reiki Master Member: International Center for Reiki Training Reiki Training Membership Association.
Wealth Of Experience: 18 years as Usui Reiki Teacher / 5 years as a Holy Fire Reiki Teacher and 20 years as wellness facilitator.
Intuitive Guidance: Wisdom with practical insights to help heal one’s issues.
Multiple Classes: I offer all levels of Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki classes.
Awards & Memberships

Client Testimonials – Ko, Reiki Classes
“Jose is a rare and gifted reiki master. I am grateful to have been able to have met him and to have been able to do reiki training with him. I have also received reiki from him and found him to be insightful, supportive, helpful, intuitive, kind, and powerfully effective.”